Since I was a little girl my life has been divinely guided and I have a close relationship with nature.  Through the ebbs and flows of life I've learned to work with this inner guidance.  As I was growing up, life seemed to be very challenging for me and I was labeled a "sensitive child."  Not only was the world around me feeling like such a dark place, but physically my health had hurdles starting at 5 years of age.   My connection with nature as a little girl initiated my communication with plants & animals & those in the spirit realm.  That open communication has been my channel to guides, spirits & light beings.  My goal is to share and teach these tools to others to help them find their own inner peace and feel more confident with their hurdles & challenges.

In college I majored in Psychology gathering the tools to be of help to children who had emotional difficulties like I had.  In my early twenties I began taking classes in alternative healing techniques, since I didn't get relief or answers trying the traditional medical ways. This path is what really awakened my own healing practices and I began to bloom and follow the ways that seemed instinctual  to my heritage, as a Yaqui Native American.

I realized everything we need is within us.  We are beings of light that can transform just about anything we put our minds to.  We have the power to rise above our challenges and just that act of that in itself, is what I feel we are meant to do here...on earth.  To overcome our hurdles to evolve to be the best "us" we can be.